Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Ultimate Hypocracy

The pope decrying selfishness ?? The Catholic Church has vast, vast riches. They should sell all their assets and set up a small trust to ensure their long term survival (vow of poverty), and distribute the rest (which would be a very large sum of money) to help the world's poor and hungry. The rest of the world's religions should follow suit.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Gay Marriage

#1 - It is absolutely no one's business what 2 consenting adults do with regard to sexual relations (outside of infidelity concerns), regardless of gender.

#2 - Let the gays have civil unions (or whatever term is acceptable/appropriate) with all legal rights of married couples.

If the electorate wants to define what marriage is, that decision should be respected.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Obama's Inauguration

A quiet, small, televised swearing-in ceremony from the Oval Office, followed by his inauguration address, with no gala festivities or hoopla (big waste of $$) would be dignified and send the correct message in these difficult economic times. Will this happen? No! Be prepared for the normal asinine pompous ceremonies, inauguration balls and parties all around Washington - a truly ludicrous and shameful portrayal of uncaring(ness).

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pick The Best Qualified Individual For Cabinet Positions

and this holds for all other job openings at any level. There is absolutely no legitimate or good reason to do otherwise. Choosing an individual based on race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, etc. is asinine. See following story about upset Latinos. I have a solution for the Latinos or any other group that that wants to be pandered to - it's called education

Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Vote For Obama = Mortal Sin

More absurd crap from the catholic clergy:

What religion is really about: power, control, and money. Oh ya, and don't forget the violence and killings.

Week of 11/23/08 Workout Schedule

Published to show what a typical workout week is for me.

Mon - 3 sets of: 10 min elliptical, 5 min. weights
5 min weights: 1 set of 15 reps each - DB bench press, lat pulldown, DB squats, Arnold press, bicep curls

Tue - 45 min run/walk/run workout: 4 min run/1 min walk for 45 min. 4.25 miles total

Weds - 45 min walk

Thur - Thanksgiving

Fri - 2.3 mile walk, 30 minutes weights

Sat - 45 minute run/walk/run workout

Sun - 3 sets of 20 push-ups using power blocks, 35 minutes interval training on elliptical.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Physical Fitness: Not An Epiphany

Are you out of shape, fat, a smoker, drug user, heavy drinker. Why?

If you have a family, you are being selfish in not taking care of yourself. You are driving up health care costs. You are subjecting yourself to medical intervention and a whole heap of unhappiness. You are being lazy. And when I see you walking around in the grocery store with a cart full of unhealthy crap with/without fat children in tow, I am continually and absolutely amazed about your ignorance and lack of self respect and discipline.

Eat to live: get your 5 servings 0f fruits/veggies per day, follow a low fat diet, eat healthy carbs and lean protein sources, go ahead and splurge once per week and have a great desert, enjoy a glass of wine at night, and be aware of how many calories you are consuming on a daily basis. Exercise for 45 minutes at least 4 times per week and make it a combination of aerobic and resistance training sessions. How difficult is that?

In case you haven't realized by now, with this being my second (rant-like) post, I intend to pull no punches in my commentary on this blog.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Religion, Chapter I

I am agnostic, strongly leaning towards atheism. All the holy books - the bible, koran, book of mormon, torah, etc., are largely a collection of fables and fairy tales. These publications are created by man; works of fiction that have been misleading the masses for centuries.

900 year old man, an ark containing all known species, resurrections, virgin births, archangels dispensing the word of god, winged chariot rides to the heavens, buried gold tablets that take a special seer stone to translate, murder, rape, degradation of women, 40 yr sojourns through the desert replete with talking, burning bushes and food falling from the heavens, etc.

How about Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the Loch Ness monster?

Are you getting the picture?

Extraordinary claims -- i.e., an invisible, magic deity that lives in the sky (heaven) or in another dimension that has created the universe, is all knowing, all powerful and controls everything -- requires extraordinary proof.

Having "faith" (belief without evidence) that god exists based on any holy book or teaching cannot be justified by objective analysis.